Catalys Pacific Independent Governance

Unlimited Sourcing / Unbiased Investment

Catalys Pacific understands that governance is essential to its partnerships, its business, and its investments. We at Catalys Pacific maintain a governance structure that ensures the following principles:

We prioritize the trust with each company, institution, and university with whom we work to identify promising assets, to co-create companies, and to deliver innovation. It is trust and respect for confidentiality that allows our team to continue cultivating these novel technology-based companies and impact the health of patients worldwide.

We abide by a fiduciary duty to our partnership as a whole, favoring no single party and thus must always be mindful of our own potential biases to ensure equitable and honest assessment, investment and advancement of any innovation. It takes vigilance to constantly observe one’s own biases and divorce one’s actions from them.

Catalys Pacific preserves a structure that establishes clear boundaries between stakeholders, highlighting our commitment to Trust & Confidentiality.

We uphold the above principles not as utopian goals but rather as the essence of our firm, simply driven by the fact that they are best for our business and our sustainability.

We realize that innovation springs from proprietary ideas, data, and patents and any disregard for such is only to the detriment of our scientific community, our partners, and our firm. Concurrently, we remain cognizant of potential conflicts of interests and our potential biases — be they personal, organizational, cultural, or scientific in nature — and see this as a requisite to our commitment to Equity & Honesty.